In this supplementary tutorial we will take a look at calculating the AUC and IC50 metrics based by fitting curves to the observed viability scores and drug concentrations in the raw pharmacological data. We will take a look at doing this using logisitic regression, and more briefly, using linear regression.
The computed AUC and IC50 values are stored in a RDS
file, modelSummarizedPharmacoData.rds
, and explored in Tutorial 2b, “Digging Deeper with Drug Response Summarization”. This tutorial walks through how those values were computed.
We start by loading the tidyverse family of packages and specifying a default plotting theme for our ggplot
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
## method from
## [.quosures rlang
## c.quosures rlang
## print.quosures rlang
## ── Attaching packages ────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.2.1 ──
## ✔ ggplot2 3.1.1 ✔ purrr 0.3.2
## ✔ tibble 2.1.2 ✔ dplyr 0.8.1
## ✔ tidyr 0.8.3 ✔ stringr 1.4.0
## ✔ readr 1.3.1 ✔ forcats 0.4.0
## ── Conflicts ───────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
We will be using both the raw and summarized pharmacological data in this tutorial.
pharmacoData <- readRDS(file.path("..", "data", "rawPharmacoData.rds"))
summarizedData <- readRDS(file.path("..", "data", "summarizedPharmacoData.rds"))
A common way to model viability response curves is to fit logistic regression models. If you have interest in knowing more about either logistic regression models or modeling approaches in general, this book gives an excellent introduction to these topics.
The idea of a drug response model is that it should describe how the viability changes with as a function of the drug concentration.
Let’s write a function that fits a logistic regression model on the data. The fitLogisticModel
function defined below receives as input a drug, a cell line and a study, and fits a regression model, namely viability ~ concentration
as described above, on these data.
fitLogisticModel <- function(drugA, cellLineA, studyA){
pharSub <- filter( pharmacoData, drug==drugA, cellLine==cellLineA, study==studyA)
inRange <- pharSub$viability > 0 & pharSub$viability < 100
pharSub$viability <- round(pharSub$viability)
pharSub$concentration <- log10( pharSub$concentration )
maxVal <- pmax( pharSub$viability, 100 )
fit <- glm( cbind( viability, maxVal-viability ) ~ concentration,
pharSub, family=binomial )
Let’s now use this function to fit models on the data. We will use the two drug-cell line combinations mentioned in the first section of this vignette.
lrCCLE1 <- fitLogisticModel( "17-AAG", "H4", "CCLE" )
lrGDSC1 <- fitLogisticModel( "17-AAG", "H4", "GDSC" )
lrCCLE2 <- fitLogisticModel( "Nilotinib", "22RV1", "CCLE" )
lrGDSC2 <- fitLogisticModel( "Nilotinib", "22RV1", "GDSC" )
## Call: glm(formula = cbind(viability, maxVal - viability) ~ concentration,
## family = binomial, data = pharSub)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) concentration
## -1.880 -2.317
## Degrees of Freedom: 7 Total (i.e. Null); 6 Residual
## Null Deviance: 647.6
## Residual Deviance: 83.29 AIC: 115.4
## Call: glm(formula = cbind(viability, maxVal - viability) ~ concentration,
## family = binomial, data = pharSub)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) concentration
## 4.142 -2.104
## Degrees of Freedom: 7 Total (i.e. Null); 6 Residual
## Null Deviance: 59.92
## Residual Deviance: 25.39 AIC: 36.32
Let’s evaluate the logistic regression models by plotting the model and the raw data together. The function predictValues receives as input a fit and outputs response values predicted from such model. The plotFit function defined below enables the visualization of the model predictions together with the raw data.
predictValues <- function(fit, numPred = 1000) {
min <- min( fit$data$concentration )
max <- max( fit$data$concentration )
valuesToPredict <- seq(min, max, length.out=numPred)
predicted <- predict( fit,
type="response" )
data.frame( concentration=valuesToPredict,
viability=predicted*100 )
plotFit <- function(drugA, cellLineA, fitCCLE, fitGDSC) {
pharSub <- filter(pharmacoData, drug == drugA, cellLine == cellLineA)
sumSub <- filter(summarizedData, drug == drugA, cellLine == cellLineA)
p <- ggplot(pharSub, aes(x = log10(concentration), y = viability, color = study)) +
geom_point(size = 2.1) +
geom_line(lwd = 1.1) +
ylim(0, 150) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("CCLE" = "#d95f02", "GDSC" = "#1b9e77")) +
xlim(range(log10(c(pharSub$concentration, sumSub$ic50_CCLE, sumSub$ic50_GDSC))))
p <- p +
geom_line(aes(concentration, viability),
data = predictValues(fitCCLE), lwd = 1.2,
linetype = "dashed", color = "#d95f02") +
geom_line(aes(concentration, viability),
data = predictValues(fitGDSC), lwd = 1.2,
linetype = "dashed", col = "#1b9e77")
Now let’s use these functions to evaluate the regression fits from the two drug-cell line combinations mentioned before. Ideally, we would like the regression model to be as close as possible to the individual data points.
plotFit("17-AAG", "H4", fitCCLE = lrCCLE1, fitGDSC=lrGDSC1 )
plotFit("Nilotinib", "22RV1", fitCCLE = lrCCLE2, fitGDSC = lrGDSC2) +
xlim(-2, 1.3)
## Scale for 'x' is already present. Adding another scale for 'x', which
## will replace the existing scale.
The following two subsections provide code implementations to compute the IC50 and AUC statistics for the drug-cell line combinations mentioned above. Notice that these implementations were not based on code from previous publications.
Using the logistic models fitted before, let’s estimate IC50 values by predicting the drug concentration value that the logistic regression model predicts to result in a viability score of 50%.
getIC50Value <- function( fit ){
if( !fit$converged ){
return( NA )
predictValues( fit, numPred=10000 ) %>%
{ .$concentration[which.min( abs( .$viability - 50) )] }
10^getIC50Value( lrCCLE1 )
## [1] 0.1543653
10^getIC50Value( lrGDSC1 )
## [1] 0.02665735
filter( summarizedData, drug=="17-AAG", cellLine=="H4")[,c("ic50_CCLE", "ic50_GDSC")]
## ic50_CCLE ic50_GDSC
## 1 0.1507716 0.03090495
10^getIC50Value( lrCCLE2 )
## [1] 8
10^getIC50Value( lrGDSC2 )
## [1] 2
filter( summarizedData, drug=="Nilotinib", cellLine=="22RV1")[,c("ic50_CCLE", "ic50_GDSC")]
## ic50_CCLE ic50_GDSC
## 1 8 155.2699
Let’s now calculate AUC values based on the logistic regression model.
getAUCValue <- function( fit ){
numbOfPredictions <- 10000
if( !fit$converged ){
return( NA )
## difference between 1 and the predicted viability probability
x <- 1 - ( predictValues( fit, numPred=numbOfPredictions )$viability / 100 )
x <- sum( x ) ## summing all the predicted values
x / numbOfPredictions ## normalize such that the total area sums to 1
getAUCValue( lrCCLE1 )
## [1] 0.489504
getAUCValue( lrGDSC1 )
## [1] 0.6277574
filter( summarizedData, drug=="17-AAG", cellLine=="H4")
## cellLine drug ic50_CCLE auc_CCLE ic50_GDSC auc_GDSC
## 1 H4 17-AAG 0.1507716 0.4868125 0.03090495 0.55157
getAUCValue( lrCCLE2 )
## [1] 0.01368318
getAUCValue( lrGDSC2 )
## [1] 0.006718582
filter( summarizedData, drug=="Nilotinib", cellLine=="22RV1")
## cellLine drug ic50_CCLE auc_CCLE ic50_GDSC auc_GDSC
## 1 22RV1 Nilotinib 8 0 155.2699 0.003935
The following code, fits a logistic regression model for each of the drug and cell line combinations and estimates both IC50 and AUC values for both the CCLE and the GDSC data. This can take some time to run and the values are stored for further analysis in Tutorial 2b.
mySummarizedDataFile <- file.path("..", "data", "modelSummarizedPharmacoData.rds")
if (file.exists(mySummarizedDataFile)) {
mySummarizedData <- readRDS(mySummarizedDataFile)
} else {
mySummarizedData <- suppressWarnings( lapply( seq_len( nrow( summarizedData )), function(x){
drug <- as.character( summarizedData$drug[x] )
cellLine <- as.character( summarizedData$cellLine[x] )
fitCCLE <- try( fitLogisticModel( drug, cellLine, "CCLE" ), silent=TRUE)
fitGDSC <- try( fitLogisticModel( drug, cellLine, "GDSC" ), silent=TRUE)
if( inherits(fitCCLE, "try-error") ){
ic50CCLE <- NA
aucCCLE <- NA
ic50CCLE <- 10^getIC50Value( fitCCLE )
aucCCLE <- getAUCValue( fitCCLE )
if( inherits(fitGDSC, "try-error") ){
ic50GDSC <- NA
aucGDSC <- NA
ic50GDSC <- 10^getIC50Value( fitGDSC )
aucGDSC <- getAUCValue( fitGDSC )
data.frame( drug=drug,
auc_GDSC=aucGDSC )
mySummarizedData <-, mySummarizedData)
saveRDS(mySummarizedData, file = mySummarizedDataFile)
The function defined below, instead of fitting a logistic regression like the function fitLogisticModel
, fits a linear regression.
fitLinearModel <- function(drugA, cellLineA, studyA) {
pharSub <- filter( pharmacoData, drug==drugA, cellLine==cellLineA, study==studyA)
pharSub$concentration <- log10( pharSub$concentration )
fit <- lm( viability~ concentration, pharSub )
Below you will find an example on how to use the fitLinearModel
function and how to extract the slope of the linear regression.
linearModelCCLE1 <- fitLinearModel( "17-AAG", "H4", "CCLE" )
slope1 <- coefficients( linearModelCCLE1 )["concentration"]
linearModelGDSC1 <- fitLinearModel( "17-AAG", "H4", "GDSC" )
slope2 <- coefficients( linearModelGDSC1 )["concentration"]
linearModelCCLE2 <- fitLinearModel( "Nilotinib", "22RV1", "CCLE" )
coefficients( linearModelCCLE2 )["concentration"]
## concentration
## -1.430474
linearModelGDSC2 <- fitLinearModel( "Nilotinib", "22RV1", "GDSC" )
coefficients( linearModelGDSC2 )["concentration"]
## concentration
## 0.4806636